Hey there! Who’s on this “aging and fitness struggles bus” with me? Thank goodness I’m not alone. 🙂
So, here I am at 58 years old trying to wrap my brain around aging gracefully. Weight gain, flabby arms & middle section, wrinkles, and dull skin aren’t making this easy. Yikes! How did this happen? I vaguely 🙂 remember the days when I never had to worry about putting on extra pounds or getting flabby. I could eat whatever I wanted and exercise was not part of my daily life. Yet, here I am trying to figure out how to get back to a stronger, lighter, and healthier me. This whole aging thing is real.
Don’t get me wrong. This isn’t a pitty-party but rather a realization of the changes and how to embrace them. I have always been proud that I am independent, resourceful, and strong-willed. But, this stage of life isn’t something I should do alone. None of us should do this alone. Because, just like it takes a village to raise children, I believe it takes a village to help navigate through the life changes that we all deal with.
I’ve taken the first step. This week, I started doing some weight/strength training and self-care. Also, I am trying to eat better which is not easy when you are married to a farm boy that loves his meat and potatoes or pasta at 9 pm at night. Tell me I’m not the only country girl dealing with this! :). Hence, I usually eat a healthy lunch. Here’s one of the recipes you can try.

Shedding some pounds would be great but I am focusing on my strength right now and eating healthier. Being strong and fit is super empowering. And, if I can lose some weight in the process, I call that a bonus.
Till next time…Cheers!

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